TYPE (π/ CURSOR) VALUE (Value encoder)
LA 4X10 This model simulates four 10-inch bass speakers for the LA sound.
MDN4X10 This model simulates four 10-inch bass speakers for a modern
MTL4X10 This model simulates four by 10-inch aluminum-cone bass speakers.
CLS8X10 This model simulates eight 10-inch classic bass speakers.
UK 4X12 This model simulates four 12-inch UK-manufactured bass speakers.
STU1X15 This model simulates one 15-inch speaker studio bass cabinet.
JAZ1X15 This model simulates one 15-inch speaker bass jazz combo.
AC 2X15 This model simulates a two 15-inch speaker AC100 cabinet.
US 2X15 This model simulates two 15-inch US-manufactured bass speakers.
UK 4X15 This model simulates four 15-inch UK-manufactured bass speakers.
LA 1X18 This model simulates one 18-inch speaker for the LA sound.
COMBI This model simulates a one 12-inch and one 18-inch bass speaker
PRESENCE: Adjusts the tone of the
high-frequency range (0.0...10.0).