This equ ipment h as bee n tested and found t o comply with the
limits for a Cla ss B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These li mits are des igned to provide reasonable protec -
tion aga inst harmf ul i nterfer ence i n a residen tial insta llation .
This equipment ge nerates, uses, a nd can rad iate radio freq uency
energy and, if not instal led and us ed in accorda nce with t he in-
structions, may cause harmf ul interferenc e to radio communica-
tions. However, there i s no g uarantee that i nterference will not
occur in a pa rticula r inst allation. If t his e quipment does cau se
harmful i nterference to radio or television reception , which can
be determined by tur ning th e equipment o and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the inter ference by one or more of the
following measures:
• Reorient or relocate t he receiving antenn a.
• Increas e the separation between t he equipment and receiver.
• Con nect t he eq uipment into a n outl et on a ci rcuit differ ent
from that to which the receiver is conne cted.
• Consult the deale r or an experienced radio/TV tec hnician for
Unauthorized changes or modication to t his system can void the
user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Notice regarding disposal (EU only)
When this “crossed-out wheeled bin” symbol is di splayed
on the product, owner’s manual, baery, or baery pac k-
age, it sign ifies that when you wish to dispos e of thi s
product, manual, package or baer y you must do so in an
approved manne r. Do not discard this product, m anual,
package or baery along with or dinary hous ehold waste.
Disposing in the c orrect mann er wi ll pr event h arm to hum an
health and potent ial damage to the environ ment. Since t he cor-
rect method of disposa l will depend on the applic able laws a nd
regulations in your locality, please contact you r local admin istra-
tive body for deta ils. If t he baery cont ains heavy metals in ex-
cess of the regu lated amount, a c hemical symbol is displayed be-
low th e “cro ssed- out wheele d bi n” s ymbol on the batt ery or
baery package.
This product has been manufac tured according to st rict specica-
tions and voltage requi rements that are applicable in the country
in which it is i ntended t hat thi s product should be used. If you
have purchased this product via the internet, through mail order,
and/or via a telephone sal e, you must verify t hat this product is
intended to be used in the country i n which you reside.
WARNING: Use of this product in any country other tha n that for
which it is intended cou ld be dangerous a nd could invalidate t he
manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.
Please al so re tain your re ceipt a s proo f of purchas e othe rwise
your product may be disqualied fr om the manufacturer ’s or dis-
tributor’s warranty.
* All product names and company na mes are the tradem arks or
registered trademarks of their res pective owners.
Using t he un it in the followi ng loc ations can result in a
• In direct sunlig ht
• Locations of extreme temperature or hum idity
• Excessively dusty or dirty locations
• Locations of excessive vibration
• Close to magnetic elds
Power supply
Please connect the designated AC adapter to an AC outlet of
the correct voltage. Do not connect it to an AC outlet of volt-
age other than that for which your unit is intended.
Interference with other electrical de-
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience re-
ception interference. Operate thi s unit at a suitable dista nce
from radios and televisions.
To avoid bre akage, do not apply exc essive for ce to t he
switches or controls.
If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clea n, dry cloth.
Do not us e liquid cleaners such as benzene or th inner, or
cleaning compounds or ammable polishes.
Keep this manual
Aer reading this manual, please keep it for later reference.
Keeping for eign matter out of your
Never set any cont ainer with liquid in it near this equip-
ment. If liqu id get s into the equipm ent, it could cause a
breakdown, re, or electrical shock.
Be careful not to let met al object s get i nto the equipment.
If something does slip into the equipment, u nplug the AC
adapter from the w all o utlet. Then contac t your near est
Korg dealer or the store where the equipment was pur-