
To register your product

for warranty benefits, please

complete and return the

Warranty Registration Card

enclosed in the shipping box

within 15 days of purchase.

Thank you.

ThisKrell producthasa limited warrantyof five yearsfor partsandlaboroncimuitryandthree yearsfor partsandlaboronall mechanicalcomponentsShould.this productfail to performat anytimeduringthewarranty,Krell will repairit at nocostto theowner,exceptasset forth in this warranty.

Thewarrantydoesnot applyto damagecausedbyacts of Godor nature.

Thewarrantyonthis pageshall bein lieu of anyotherwarranty,expressedor implied,includ- ing, butnotlimitedto. anyimpliedwarrantyof merchantabilityorfitnessfor a particularpurpose. Thereare nowarrantieswhichexceedbeyondthosedescribedin this documentIf. this product doesnot performaswarrantedherein,theowner'ssoleremedyshall berepair. In no eventwill Krall beliable for incidentalor consequentialdamagesarisingfrompurchase,use,or inability to usethis product,evenJf Krell hasbeenadvisedof the possibility of suchdamages.

Proofof purchasein theformof a bill of saleor receiptedinvoicesubstantiatingthat theunit is within the warrantyperiodmustbe presentedto obtainwarrantyservice.Thewarrantybegins onthedateof retail purchase,notedonthebill of saleor receiptedinvoicefromanautho- rizedKrelldealeror distributor.

Thewarrantyfor Krell productsis valid onlyin thecountryto whichtheywereoriginallyshipped. throughtheauthorizedKrell distributorfor that country,andat thefactory.Theremayberestric- tions onor changesto Krell's warrantybecauseof regulationswithina specificcountry.Please checkwith yourdistributorfor a completeunderstandingof thewarrantyin yourcountry.

If a unit is servicedbya distributorwhodid notimporttheunit. theremaybea chargefor ser- viceevenif theproductis withinthewarrantyperiod

Freightto thefactoryis yourresponsibilityReturn.freightwithintheUnitedStates(U.S.A.) includedin the warrantyIf. youhavepurchasedyourKrell productoutsidethe U.S.Aand.wish to haveit servicedat thefactory,all freight andassociatedchargesto thefactoryareyour responsibility.

Krell will payretumfreight to theU.S.A.-basedfreight forwarderof yourchoiceFreight.and otherchargesto shiptheunit fromthefreightforwarderto youarealsoyourresponsibility.

Krell is notresponsiblefor anydamageincurredin transit. Krell will file claimsfor damagesas necessaryfor unitsdamagedin transit to thefactory.Youareresponsiblefor filing claimsfor shippingdamagesduringthe returnshipment.

Krell doesnot supplyreplacementpartsand/orproductsto the ownerof the unit. Replacement partsand/orproductswill befurnishedonlyto thedistributorperformingserviceonthis unit on an exchangebasisonly; anyparts and/orproductsreturnedto Krell for exchangebecomethe propertyof Krell.

Noexpressedor impliedwarrantyis madefor anyKrell productdamagedby accident,abuse, misuse,naturalor personaldisaster,or unauthorizeemodification.

Anyunauthorizedvoltageconversion,disassembly,componentreplacement,perfora- tion of chassis,updates,or modificationsperformedto the unitwill voidthewarranty.

Theoperatingvoltageof this unit is determinedbythe factoryandcanonlybechangedby an authorizedKrell distributoror at thefactory.Thevoltagefor this productin theU.S,Acannot.be changeduntil six monthsfromthe original purchasedate.

In the eventthat Krell receivesa productfor warrantyservicethat hasbeenmodifiedin any waywithoutKrell authorization,all warrantiesonthat productwill bevoid. Theproductwill be returnedto originalfactorylayoutspecifications theowner'sexpensebeforeit is repairedAll. repairsrequiredafter the;~roducthasbeenreturnedto originalfactoryspecificationswill be chargedto thecustomer,at current;~artsandlaborrates.

All operationalfeatures,functions,andspecificationsandpoliciesaresubjectto changewithout notification.



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Krell Industries KAV-280cd manual Warranty

KAV-280cd specifications

Krell Industries has long been synonymous with high-end audio and the KAV-280cd CD player exemplifies their commitment to delivering exceptional sound quality coupled with innovative technology. The KAV-280cd is a premium aural experience designed for audiophiles who appreciate the nuances of their favorite music.

One of the standout features of the KAV-280cd is its robust construction. The chassis is built with a combination of aluminum and steel, providing not only a sleek visual appeal but also minimizing resonance and interference. This solid build quality ensures that the performance remains consistent and reliable over time, critical for components that often face the rigors of daily use.

The digital playback capabilities of the KAV-280cd are impressive. It employs Krell’s proprietary digital-to-analog conversion technology, which is engineered to minimize distortion and maximize detail. The player features a high-quality, 24-bit/192kHz DAC, ensuring that every subtle detail of the music is preserved and faithfully reproduced, making the listening experience profound and immersive.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the player’s advanced error correction system. This feature is designed to enhance playback reliability, smoothing out any potential imperfections on the disc. Audiophiles recognize compact discs for their susceptibility to scratches and dust, and the KAV-280cd addresses this issue head-on, ensuring that users can enjoy uninterrupted, high-fidelity music playback.

The KAV-280cd also supports a variety of digital inputs, allowing it to function not only as a traditional CD player but also as an essential part of a modern audio setup. Its compatibility with a range of digital formats provides versatility in connecting to different devices, such as computers and streaming devices.

Another innovative feature is its user-friendly interface, which combines elegance with functionality. The touch-sensitive controls and comprehensive remote facilitate effortless operation, letting users navigate through tracks and settings seamlessly.

In summary, Krell Industries’ KAV-280cd CD player represents the pinnacle of sound engineering, combining superior build quality, cutting-edge digital technology, and a user-friendly interface into one cohesive product. Whether you're an avid collector of physical media or a casual listener, the KAV-280cd promises an elevated auditory experience that stands out in the world of high-fidelity audio equipment. Its blend of performance, reliability, and modern features make it a worthy addition to any serious audio system.