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The dual alarm clock system is designed to work in correspondence with other wireless
receivers and work with all KA300 transmitters (sold separately). Select from the following to
complete your system.
A. Extended receiver: (KA1000EX)
Turn on the lamp and plug into the extended receiver. Plug the extended receiver into an
AC outlet and the light will flash to notify you everywhere it is placed: kitchen, living
room, bathroom etc. Use light switch to turn on/off light for reading or other activities.
To register the door knock, telephone ringer, baby room call, fire alarm, and weather alert
transmitters with the extended receiver, press the test button on each transmitter and the
light switch on the extended receiver until the red LED on the extended receiver flashes
once. The ID of that transmitter is recorded into memory. (Fig 8)
Press the test button and light
switch until the red LED
flashes once.
If the extended receiver flashes twice, the memory is full. Check the number of registered
transmitters or erase any unused transmitters if needed.
To erase a transmitter from memory, press and hold test button on the transmitter and light
switch of the extended receiver at same time. The extended receiver will flash light twice
to confirm the transmitter code is erased.
To clear the whole memory of the extended receiver, press and hold the light switch until
the LED flashes eight times for clear memories of lamp receiver.
The extended receiver can remember up to 16 different kind of transmitters. For example,
all fire alarm sensors are one kind of transmitters; all door knocks are another kind of
transmitters. Both are considered two kinds of transmitters. This setup gives you the flex-
ibility to install as many transmitters around the building as you desire. It works with all
transmitters that are installed within a 300 feet radius. Each transmitter will flash with a
different pattern for easy recognition.
Tips for installation:
To have the same flashing pattern, write on a piece of paper (page 2 of this manual) the
order of the transmitters you will record into memory. Repeat the same order for each
extended receiver installed after.