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Note: * Turn on the table lamp from the light switch on the extended receiver. Leave the switch on the
lamp in the ON position or it will not flash the light.
* The alarm function of the alarm clock KA1000 will not trigger the extended receiver.
* The extended receiver is on stand-alone unit and receives signals directly from a transmitter. It
does not need a KA1000 clock to operate.
* If you use any transmitter with fire alarm, smoke alarm or weather alert radio, you must test those
transmitters every month to make sure that it is functioning properly.
* Press the light switch once to reset any alarms triggered.
* The LED on the extended receiver will flash to indicate the battery is low on the corresponding
transmitter. Press the light switch to reset the low battery indicator.
B. Door knock transmitter (KA1000DK) and Doorbell Transmitter (KA1000DB):
Hook the door knock KA1000DK on top of the door (the hook is included). Turn on the
power switch and knock on the door to test the operation. The battery is designed to last for
1 year. If the red LED is weak or turns off, replace with CR2032 battery. Each door knock
needs to be registered to the clock KA1000 or the extended receiver KA1000EX.
Clip the doorbell (KA1000DB) next to the doorknob facing out. Press on doorbell button to test..
C. Telephone ringer transmitter (KA1000TR):
Turn on the Telephone Ringer Transmitter then register with your clock KA1000 or
extended receiver KA1000EX (refer to the above sections for how to register a transmitter
with KA1000 and KA1000EX.) Plug the telephone ringer transmitter into the telephone
outlet and turn on. Press the test button on the transmitter. If the red LED lights up and the
signal received by the clock or extended receiver, the system operates perfectly.
D. Tactile telephone ringer pager (KA1000PG):
This product is designed for a deaf blind user. The others also enjoy a silent notification
from the tactile pager when the telephone rings. The package called TRS100 comes with
a pager, a telephone ring signaler, rechargeable battery, and charger. Plug the telephone
transmitter KA1000TR to the telephone outlet. Turn it on. Charge the KA1000PG for at
least 8 hours. Turn on the pager. Press test the button on the transmitter, the pager will
vibrate to ensure the system works. Always charge the pager every night.
E. Nursery Room Call Transmitter (KA1000NR):
Place this transmitter near your baby and adjust the sensitivity to the baby sound. It will
send the signal to the clock or extended receiver when the baby cries.
F. Fire/Smoke/Carbon Mono Oxide Alarm transmitter (KA300TX-1)
KA1000 system will give you the opportunity to link all
alarm systems in your house together by using the
wireless transmitter KA300TX-1. Select a channel for a
different sensor and record it on the KA300RX-1 receiver
label. Make sure that they have the same house code. In-
stall this transmitter on a fire, smoke, or carbon monoxide
alarm and turn it on. The vibration of the loud siren will
activate the transmitter. The clock KA1000 will display
the channel when the alarm is activated. You must test the
system every month to make sure the system is working
properly. The battery is designed to work continuously for
1 year. Use the CR2032 lithium battery to replace.
Press on test button
of fire alarm to test
the system
Turn on after
install on the
alarm device