
Technical regulations for terminal equipment
This terminal equipment complies with:
Network Compatibility Declaration
The manufacturer declares that the equipment has been designed to operate in the public switched telephone networks
(PSTN) in the following countries:
TBR21 DE 08R00 National AN for D
AN 01R00 AN for P DE 09R00 National AN for D
AN 02R01 AN for CH and N DE 12R00 National AN for D
AN 05R01 AN for D, E, GR, P and N DE 14R00 National AN for D
AN 06R00 AN for D, GR and P ES 01R01 National AN for E
AN 07R01 AN for D, E, P and N GR 01R00 National AN for GR
AN 09R00 AN for D GR 03R00 National AN for GR
AN 10R00 AN for D GR 04R00 National AN for GR
AN 11R00 AN for P NO 01R00 National AN for N
AN 12R00 AN for E NO 02R00 National AN for N
AN 16R00 General Advisory Note P 03R00 National AN for P
DE 03R00 National AN for D P 04R00 National AN for P
DE 04R00 National AN for D P 08R00 National AN for P
DE 05R00 National AN for D
Austria France Liechtenstein Slovakia
Belgium Germany Lithuania Slovenia
Bulgaria Greece Luxembourg Spain
Cyprus Hungary Malta Sweden
Czech Iceland Norway Switzerland
Denmark Ireland Poland The Netherlands
Estonia Italy Portugal United Kingdom
Finland Latvia Romania