Device Installer

3.13.5 DHCP Naming

If a DHCP server has automatically assigned the IP address and network settings, you can discover the unit by
using the Device Ins t a l l e r network search feature.
There are 3 methods for assigning DHCP names to these products.
1) Default DHCP name. If you do not change the DHCP name, and you are using an IP of, then the
DHCP name will default to CXXXXXX (XXXXXX is the last 6 digits of the MAC address shown on the
label on the bottom/side of the unit). For example, if the MAC address is 00-20-4A-12-34-56, then the
default DHCP name is C123456.
2) Custom DHCP name. You can create your own DHCP name on these products. If you are using an IP
address of, then the last option in "Server configuration" will be "Change DHCP device name". The
"Change DHCP device name" option will allow you to change the DHCP name to an alpha-numeric name.
Change DHCP device name (not set) ? (N) Y
Enter new DHCP device name : LTX
3) Numeric DHCP name. You are able to change the DHCP name by specifying the last octet of the IP
address. When you use this method, the DHCP name will be LTXYY where YY is what you chose for the
last octet of the IP address. If the IP address you specify is, then the DHCP name will be LTX12.
This method will only work with 2 digit numbers (0-99).
3.14 Channel 1 Configuration (Serial Port Parameters)
This section describes how to setup the serial port. The following parameters are displayed when you select
Channel 1 (Option 1).
Baudrate (9600)
I/F Mode (4C)
Flow (00)
Port No (10001)
ConnectMode (C0)
Send ‘+++’ in Modem Mode (Y) ?
Auto increment source port (N) ?
Remote IP Address : (000).(000).(000).(000)
Remote Port (00000)
DisConnMode (00)
FlushMode (00)
DisConnTime (00:00) :
SendChar 1 (00)
SendChar 2 (00)

3.14.1 Baudrate

The unit and attached serial device, such as a modem, must agree on a speed or baud rate to use for the
serial connection. Valid baud rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200, and 230400 bits per second. XPort-03 and greater units also support high-performance baud rates
of 460800 and 921600 bps. See Error! Reference source not found. on page Error! Bookmark not
3-26 NET485 User Guide