Supports AES
Data Stream
Non-configurable field. Displays False, indicating the WiSpan does not
support AES encryption.
Supports 485 Non-configurable field. Displays False, indicating the WiSpan does not
support the RS-485 protocol.
Supports 920K
Non-configurable field. Displays False, indicating the WiSpan does not
support baud rates up to 920K.
Supports Wired
Non-configurable field. Displays True, indicating the WiSpan supports
wired Ethernet.
Supports HTTP
Non-configurable field. Displays True, indicating the WiSpan supports
HTTP server.
Supports HTTP
Non-configurable field. Displays True, indicating the WiSpan supports
HTTP setup.
Supports 230K
Non-configurable field. Displays False, indicating the WiSpan does not
support a baud rate of 230K.
Supports GPIO
Non-configurable field. Displays False, indicating the WiSpan does not
support communication via General Purpose Input Output (GPIO).