features and specifications
2 ch limp VCT-2010
| WPJen us«f wfth notmIi, full tantIt system, III this swItr:h to 'RILL' . | ... _1I14A1 DC, IIOt1 |
| ||||||
| "you wi$h to use the intmJM cnmover to power • drive, or specific |
| ' - '84 |
| 35 Kl/ttsx2 |
| |||
| frequency range, use the 1PPor 1/PP FOR the 'l.OWPASS" OR |
| . | 11184__ |
| 45 Kl/ttsx2 |
| ||
| |||||||
111l1li11111'''''' | EfIIlb/es the matching uf Input levels to the output levels from h.d unn |
| ,..81 |
| 70 Kl/ttsx2 |
| |||
| (or othsr siDfIIl sourr::s). Th8 input SBIJSitMty of adjustment IiIlgss from |
| 1III8Z | 100 Kl/tts X2 |
| |||
c,...,. '••••" c.drol | 6Vto200mV. |
| 8fX) Kl/tts |
| ||||
W1'I8n crossoVlr mode SBiBctor is in HIGHPASS modB. this control sets |
| "" _114 .."., |
| 1()()() Kl/tts |
| ||||
| tile IOWlJr frequency limit for ,udlo program sent to tIM speakefJ. |
| " |
| |||
| ||||||
| When crossOMlr mode SBisctor is in LOWPASS mod,. this control slItS |
| |||||
| tIItI upper frequency Dmit for audio program sent to 1M S{JeIen. |
| .,.."., |
| |
""I•• ". | Th8 crossovsr is continuously vviibl8 adjustment from 40 to 250 Hz. |
| IIr_",.,. |
| IOKDhms |
| |||
| |||||||
| IIr_",.,. | |||||||||
I.. IMI | T1Iis seJ&1.rJr switch permits the bass level an incrrJI.StJ of 18dB. |
| . ,SfJlSiIiriIJ |
| ||
T11is IITIP futures RCA type jacks for high imptdanct Input |
| ||
| UBI theY wffh car stereo output which uses RCA typtJ connector C8lJ1es. |
| |
hI... lml .... | Ifyour car stsrso jacks ,re not RCA typ8 output, us, "" |
| " . |
| >95dB |
| |||
| |||||||
AIIIII | input IIIIptrJr to connect the speaker output lelds of ctlfSitreo ,nd the |
| >65d8 |
| ||||
| |||||||
n,;, Imp fWures RCA jIcks for AUX line outputr. |
| ..........- |
| ||||||||
| RCA input jacks of1ITIfJ. |
| |||
| Is M:tkIIBd. |
| |||
| Use th6s6 for unlimit9d systsm SKPB/fsion to thB next VECTOR. |
| NOlI |
| ||
| ||||
| Tbis indic:tltDr is illuminlifed in GREEN when power is IPplltJd. |
| "" |
| |||||
| |||
_18 | This indiCItor is iIIuminitstI in RED wfHN'I thB |
| .- |
| 01+18118 |
| |
| "'" 11M | 111<_andyourcat'$ ___ from ""'" |
| |||
| ||||
| |||||
| cin:uit conditions. |
| ___ 2Il4x2 |
| |||||
| |||||||||||
| USf thI:u connectors to dIIMr power, ground, and IImOtf |
| ||
| toth..mplilier. |
| ||
| _(W,II'!J | 270x45.2xl90 | |||||||||
| - | |||||||||
| 10.63x 1.78x 7.48 |
features and controls
2 ch amp VCT-2010
000000000000000000000 |
| ||||||||
®® AJil§il ~ |
| |||||||||
'@' | ,@. |
| ||
low level inputs |
| L...________ power/prolect'ln LED | |||
AUX lineoulpuls ____________...J |
| L...________....:~_ crossover frequency control | ||||
| .J |
| |||
inpull",1 control ________________ |
| L.._________..:.._ | crossover roode selo:Ior | |||||
| |||||||||
| L..___________..:.._ | Bass Boostseleclor | ||||
pa.wr lenninals