1579 3-Ltr Word Puzzle TG 2/23/07 11:19 AM Page 2
Match & Spell
The bottom of each card is blue on one side and red on the other side. Turn the cards over so all of the same color is facing up. Mix up the pieces and have children complete the puzzles by fitting together the three pieces that interlock to form the picture and word. Now turn the cards over and try the words and pictures on the opposite side!
Rhyming Words
Turn the cards over so the same color is facing up. Have children com- plete one puzzle. Now help children make a list of words that rhyme with the completed card. For example, if the puzzle says RUG, your list of rhyming words might include BUG, JUG, MUG, HUG, and SLUG.
Spelling Surprise
Complete one puzzle. Take a sheet of paper and cover the word at the bottom of the card so that only the picture is visible. Then ask children to name the object. Have them say the word out loud and help them identify each letter of the word by its sound. Now have them spell the word. Repeat this activity with as many cards as you like!
Silly Stories
Turn the cards over so the same color is facing up. Have children com- plete three puzzles. Now have children make up a story that uses each of their three completed words. For example, a story with the words CAT, PIE and BED might sound like this: “There was a CAT named Felix who was eating a slice of PIE in BED.” Now try making up a silly story by using different words.