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Insect Definitions
antennae – "feelers" on an insect's head
entomologist – a scientist who studies insects
exoskeleton – a skeleton on the outside of the body; insects
have exoskeletons
insect – an animal that breathes air, has an exoskeleton,
three body segments, three pairs of legs, two sets of
wings (usually), a pair of antennae and compound eyes
invertebrates – an animal without a backbone, such as
an insect
metamorphosis – a biological process by which an animal
physically develops after birth that usually includes three
distinct developmental stages: larva or nymph, pupa,
and adult
pollinate – the transfer of pollen from one flower to another
predator – an animal that eats another animal for food;spider
spiracles – the openings on an insect's sides where air enters
the respiratory system
tympanum – membrane covering of the auditory organ;
ear drum
vertebrate – an animal that has a backbone