Game board
45 Markers (15 of each) Spinner
15 Fruit pieces
Assemble spinner as shown here.
Object of the game:
Be the first player to place 3 markers in a row, in any direction (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
Set up:
Each player takes all of one type of marker (for example, all the "ice cream with a cherry" markers). Place all the fruit pieces, fruit side up in the box.
Each fraction family is represented as a different flavor pie on the game board’s menu. The fractions on the spinner are color coordinated with the menu. Use the menu to help you locate the correct flavor pie on the game board.
Game play:
•The first player spins and places a marker on the pie space that represents the fraction on the spinner or an equivalent fraction (also shown on spinner). If a player spins 1 whole, he or she must choose an equivalent fraction. Then it is the next player’s turn.
•If a player spins a fraction and the pie space already has a marker on it, the player may place his or her marker on top of the other player's marker. The marker on top controls the pie space on the board. Players may continue to stack markers until they are "high in the sky!"
Lose a pie – player removes one of his or her markers from the game board.
Trade pies – Swap pies with another player by switching the markers on the board. If there is more than 1 marker on the pie space chosen, only the top marker is moved.
Pick a pie – player places a marker on any pie that matches the fruit piece he or she chose. For example, if a player chose an apple fruit piece, he or she chooses any apple pie.
•The first player to place 3 markers in a row, in any direction, wins!