Teaching Guide
The development of visual motor skills is vital to success in many curriculum areas. Beads provide practice in:
NOTE: This set contains laces which may pose a strangulation hazard to children under 3 years of age.
Patterns & Puzzles
Create a pattern and challenge students to copy it. Make sure that your patterns meet the skill levels of your students. Ask students to verbalize a description of the pattern and then to try and recreate the pattern in a drawing. You are reinforcing patterning concepts through three mediums; sight, sound, and touch.
Challenge students to create patterns from verbal instructions. Then string beads to show the correct arrangement. Verify your students' skills by asking them to display their strings of beads.
Use the color beads to reinforce sorting skills. Ask students to sort the beads by shape or color, then to string them. Instruct students to place two blue spheres on a string. You've asked them to sort by quantity, color, and shape!
Counting Up
Sort and count the beads to develop addition and subtraction skills. Use the beads as counters to describe