features and specifications
.q ch amp
features and controls
.q ch amp
..- __• II7Ien_with_. full/aI1f/IIsys/1lmset. /his"';1!:hID 'FUll'. Ifyuuwish tousetheinJemaJaDSSINfJIiDdtIvetfX1M1Iorspecificil
"-range. usethe 'U'f"1J('IIPf"FORthe 1DIII'ASS'DR HlGHPASS'seJtings.
.. _ _ fnabIeIJ the maI!:hir>g0{input_ID the ou/puI_ fromhead/RIa (orothersignalsoon;e). TheinputSlJtJSitivitytangOS0{adjustmentfrom 6VIDlYXi71v.
CIIIIIftIrlnqClItnIItrlll..Whencrossovermode SIJ/tJCtor is in HIGHP)S5mode, thiscontrol sets the lower frequencylimittoraudio fJflJDraffl sent to tiJ6 speakers, When crosSOVfJfmode SBifJdor is in LDM'ASS mode, thiscontrol sets the upperfreqUBncylimittoramiia program sent to th8sp8akers. TheCfOSSOYfJ{is continuouslyvaJiablea.djustment from40to250HI.
.......ba Iletar This selector switchpermitsthebass181/8/ an incrtJaS8of 18dB.
lowl_llnput Thisamp filalures RCA /yp8jacks for high itnpll(ianc8lnpul.
Uselhese with car sfBreo output whichUSBS RCA Iyp8 connector cables. hlah I_I Input Ifyour cars//iteojacks am nalRCA /yp80IJ1pu( the
adaptorIDconnedthespeaker au/plltleads alcar51efI1o.ndthe RCA
lUIlin. lutp"" This amp fBal1Jres RCAjacks torAllXline outputs. USB th8se
ou/puIs Usethese tor1HIlimilBtlsysl8m expanslonlD the flBXIAMERICAN. ,...lIDr Th�indialJrJfilluminated� in GREEN.,."fJOWfIf�app/ifJd.
illMKllooIS Th�indialJrJf�illuminatedin Rill .,."the buih�nproIedioncirr:u11Ty tsiIW/aIBd.
_ _ Thefusepro/Iidsthe"""ilierandyrJIIfcats_!ys/J!mfromshoJI
_ _ UsethesecoonedrJr.iIDdeli""_remtJi8funH1ngrwnd, and control ID the"""ifllil:
aulliut plIWII@14A1DC,llHz | LA·'" |
| LA·"" |
_". tH_ 50 wattsX 4 |
| I(}() Watts X 4 | |
.@4_ | 75 Wattsx4 |
| 150 Wattsx4 |
..".@1_ | 75 Wattsx4 |
| 150 Wattsx4 |
| I(}() Watts X 4 | 2(}() Watts X 4 | |
.....".., |
| |
.@1_ | 500Watts X | 4 | I()(}() Watts X 4 |
"".h.It4., | I()(}() Watts X 2 | 20(}()Wattsx2 |
frequlRCY lespanse
Input Iqllllaice
$/II1'IIIi1lll | >95dB |
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/I_nel"""""'l1li | >65dB |
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_rei'nltlltl |
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tIP"'" | |||
....., | O/+I8dB |
.....Hi Ohms
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ell 11211lW..,1i'llUS |
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| powerfprolo:tion LED | |||||||
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AUXline IlijlUs |
| ell 314low 0veI ifllUI> | ||||
ell112 ifllUI> 1....""'lml1 |
| ell 314i'llUS 1M! cootr� | |
......_""'".. _""IDfIIIIlIl1IIe<ivityhighandminimumctJfId ctsignal""
"",.,.."",WIIIage14.4VDC Neg. Ground
-213x43x355 213x43x432
,...10]4x1.69x14 10]4x1.69xI7
power terminals
power fuse
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speaker connections
LEGAC merle. | N• • | A | LEGACY A.m.rlnn OWIII!!.'SMANUAL · I |