Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
2.2.6 General parameters
Protective class: I
Pollution degree: 2
Overvoltage installation category: II
2.3 Instrument parts
The Leica CM3600 consists of a sliding microtome in a large-volume
cryochamber. The instrument is designed for cryosectioning large speci-
mens or for processing specimens with the so-called cryo-planing
The large-scale heavy-duty microtome is made for sectioning large
biomedical and industrial specimens such as whole animals or large
tissue specimens by applying the sectioning techniques for large-surface
sections. The sturdy construction of the instrument also permits section-
ing very hard specimens such as undecalcified bones.
The microtome is housed in a convection-cooled large-volume
The large chamber in connection with the special cooling system enables
dehydration of sections within a very short time.
The low temperatures are achieved and maintained by cold air circulating
inside the cryochamber. A fan controls the air circulation speed.
The large specimens are frozen onto metal specimen stages which are
subsequently clamped in the specimen sledge.
Optionally the instrument can be operated with an extraction system
which largely prevents the cryochamber being soiled with section waste.
2.4 Function
The motor-driven specimen sledge moves horizontally underneath the
knife, either producing a section (cryosectioning) with each stroke or a
high-quality specimen surface (cryo-planing technique).
2. Characteristics of the Leica CM3600