Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
6.11 Photo mode
Clicking on the photo symbol activates or deactivates the
„Photo mode“ and moves the microtome sledge to the me-
chanical limit stop. When active, the symbol will light up in
The photo mode enables you to position the specimen or rather the
microtome sledge exactly for photos to be taken after each section.
In „Parameter settings“ the „Photo position dwell time“ and the „Photo
position triggering time“ can be selected.
Photo position dwelling time
To define how long the microtome sledge will remain stopped in the
camera position.
Photo position triggering time
Time until the camera will actually take the photo.
For further information, refer to chapter 6.5.1.
6.12 Screen printout
Clicking on the ‘Screen printout’ symbol creates a printout of
the current screen on a defined printer. For further information,
refer to chapter 6.5.3.
6. Software