Care, Maintenance, Contact Persons
We hope you enjoy using your | Contact address | Care |
mance microscope. Leica microscopes are | However, if your instrument should no longer | ★★ Protect your microscope from moisture, |
renowned for their robustness and long service | function properly, contact your technician, | fumes and acids and from alkaline, caustic |
life. Observing the following care and clean- | your Leica representative or Leica Microsystems | and corrosive materials and keep chemicals |
ing tips will ensure that even after years and | (Schweiz) AG, | away from the instruments. |
decades, your Leica microscope will continue to |
work as well as it did on the very first day. |
| ★★ Plugs, optical systems and mechanical parts |
| must not be disassembled or replaced, |
Warranty benefits | unless doing so is specifically permitted | |
The guarantee covers all faults in materials |
| and described in this manual. |
and manufacture. It does not, however, cover |
damage resulting from careless or improper |
| ★★ Protect your microscope from oil and |
handling. |
| grease. |
| ★★ Do not grease guide surfaces or mechani- |
| cal parts. |
Leica | User Manual | 64 |