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dust into the interior of the camera.

A lens acts as a burning glass if it is pointed directly at the sun. Protect the interior of your camera by covering the lens with the lens cap, or keeping the camera in a case or in the shade. Each lens, in addition to its type, has its own Serial No. engraved on the front lens mount. Make a note of this as well as of the Serial No. of the camera, which you will find on the back of the baseplate of your LEICAFLEX. This may be of great importance in case of loss or theft.

A brownish-violet sheen indicates the high- quality coating of the LEICAFLEX lenses. These reflection-reducing layers vastly increase the brightness and brilliance of the picture.

Remove dust from the external surfaces of your lenses with a soft sable brush or with a clean, dry, soft piece of linen. Special cloths used for the cleaning of spectacles are not recommended; they are chemically impregnated and may therefore attack the glass of the lenses (glass used for spectacles differs in its composition from the optical glasses of high-quality camera lenses).

In unfavourable conditions, for instance on the beach, at sea, in subtropical climate etc. a colourless U.V. absorbing filter will

protect the front element of the lens from external damage by seawater spray and sand. Such an additional colourless and optically flat glass plate, i.e. a filter, may, however, cause undesirable reflections at certain angles of light incidence, especially in centre jour and artificial light. The lens hood, too, protects the lens against accidental fingermarks and raindrops.