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Ring combination for the close-up range

Athree-part ring combination (Code No. 14159), which is used mainly in conjunc- tion with the 50mm SUMMICRON-R f/2 standard lens, makes photography possible down to 1:1 reproduction scale. The com- bination can be expanded at will through the insertion of several middle rings. It can also be used in combination with 90, 135, and 180mm lenses.

With the twin-cable release the lens dia- phragm can be closed semi-automatically.

ELPRO close-up attachments

The ELPRO close-up attachments are achromatic supplementary front lenses which increase the focusing range and because of their achromatic correction also improve the image quality in the close-up range. Even medium stops produce outstanding sharpness. Exposure technique including exposure measurement is the same as in the normal focusing range. ELPRO close-up attachments are available for the 50mm SUMMICRON-R f/2, the 90mm lenses and the 135mm ELMARIT-R f/2.8.