Millivolt Models with Manually-Modulated Gas Valves
Natural Gas Propane (LP) Gas
Model Input Rate
Input Rate
SHR33 19,500 to 33,000 19,500 to 33,000
SHR40 24,000-40,000 21,500 to 37,500
Table 1Note: These appliances are designed as supplemental heaters. There-
fore, it is advisable to have an alternate heat source when installed in a
Millivolt Valve & ElectricalThese appliances use a millivolt type control system consisting of a gas
control valve with regulator (control to adjust for flame appearance and heat
output), a standing pilot burner assembly, a thermopile, thermocouple, a
piezo igniter, and ON/OFF switch. THE GAS BURNER SYSTEM ON THESE
this fireplace insert is operated with a millivolt valve it will burn even
during a power outage.
The Shoreline features a spark igniter (piezo) that allows the appliance's
pilot gas to be lit without the use of matches or batteries. However, the heat
circulation blower motor requires 120 Volts AC (the appliance can be safely
used with the blower turned off). The blower operation is controlled by a
variable speed rheostat.
These appliances may be installed in an aftermarket permanently
located, manufactured home (USA only) or mobile home, where not
prohibited by local codes.
Cet appareil peut être installé dans un maison préfabriquée (É.-U.
seulement) ou mobile déjà installée à demeure si les réglements
locaux le permettent.
CODES AND APPROVALSTable 2 shows efficiencies for the Shoreline™.
GENERAL INFORMATIONTable 1 shows the BTU input for each model:
FuelThis insert comes from the factory equipped to burn natural gas from 0
to 2,000 feet (610 M) of elevation in the USA and 0 - 4,500 feet (1372
M) in Canada. The insert can be converted to burn LP (liquid propane)
by installing a conversion kit. Only Lennox Hearth Products conversion
kits can be used to convert from NG to LP or LP to NG. Contact your
Lennox Hearth Products dealer for details. An orifice is also supplied to
change the unit from 40,000 BTU’s (NG) or 37,500 BTU’s (LP) to 33,000
BTU’s. This must be done by a qualified service technician if you decide
to change orifices.
The use of other fuels or combination of fuels will degrade the performance
of this system and may be dangerous.
Orifice Size/Altitude AdjustmentThese appliances are tested and approved for installations at elevations
of 0 to 2,000 feet (610 M) in the USA and 0 to 4,500 feet (0-1372 M) in
Canada using the factory installed orifice shown in Table 3. At higher
elevations the BTU input must be de-rated by 4% for every 1,000 feet
(305 M) to maintain the proper ratio of gas to air. Contact your local gas
supplier for deration requirements for your area.
Deration - At higher elevations, the amount of BTU fuel value delivered
must be reduced by either using gas that has been derated by the gas
company or by changing the burner orifice to a smaller size as regulated
by the local authorities having jurisdiction and by the (USA) National
Fuel Gas Code NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1 - latest edition or, in Canada,
the CAN/CSA B149.1 - latest edition. If it is determined that a smaller
burner orifice is needed, contact your Lennox Hearth Products dealer to
purchase the orifice.
Burner Orifice Sizes
USA - Elevation 0-2000 feet ( 0-610 meters)
Canada - Elevation 0-4500 feet ( 0-1372 meters)
Model Natural Gas
drill size (inches) * Propane
drill size (inches) *
SHR33 #36 (0.1065”) #51 (0.067”)
SHR40 1/8” (0.125”) #49 (.073”)
Table 3 * Standard size installed at factory
Listing and Safety Standards - Gas appliances must be tested and certi-
fied by a nationally recognized testing and certification laboratory to ANSI
(American National Standard Institute) gas appliance safety standards.
This insert has been tested and certified by OMNI -Test Laboratories to
ANSI Z21.88-2005/CSA 2.33-2005 “Vented Gas Fireplace Heaters and
CGA 2.17-M91 “Gas-Fired Appliances for Use at High Altitudes” and UL
307B Gas Burning Heating Appliances for Manufactured (Mobile) Homes
in both USA and Canada. These appliances have been certified for use
with either natural gas or propane and are approved for installation in
sitting rooms and/or bedrooms. This appliance is only for use with the
type of gas indicated on the rating plate (and is not for use with solid
fuels). This appliance is not convertible for use with other gases,
unless a certified kit is used.
Cet appareil doit être utilisé uniquement avec les types de gaz indiqués
sur la plaque signalétique. Ne pas l'utiliser avec d'autres gaz sauf si
un kit de conversion certifié est installé.
Efficiencies %
Natural Gas Propane
Models P4** Steady
AFUE P4** Steady
SHR33 60.91 83 60 64.35 83 65
SHR40 62.70 83 63 65.98 83 67
* The Steady State Efficiency numbers based on maximum vent configuration.
** Tested to CSA P.4.1-02 “Testing Method for Measuring Annual Fireplace Efficiency.
Table 2