Manufactured Home Installations - These appliances must conform
to the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24
CFR, Part 3280 (in Canada CAN/CSA Z240 MH) (in Canada CAN/CSA
Z240 MH), or when such a standard is not applicable, the Standard
for Manufactured Home Installations, ANSI A225.1 - latest edition for
manufactured (mobile) home installations and the current Standard for
Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites and Com-
munities, ANSI/NFPA 501A.
Local, State and National Codes - These appliances must conform with
all local, state, and national installation codes. In the absence of local
and state codes, installation must comply with the current National Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also known as NFPA 54 (In Canada, the current
CAN/CSA B149.1 installation code). Electrical wiring must comply with
the National Electrical Code ANSI/ NFPA 70 - latest edition. In Canada, the
current CSA C22-1 Canadian Electrical Code - latest edition. Refer to the
National Fuel Gas Code and local zoning and code authorities for details
on installation requirements. These appliances must be vented directly
to the outside in accordance with the current edition of the National Fuel
Gas Code (NFPA 54 in U.S.A and CAN/CSA B149.1 in Canada) and must
never be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid fuel burning
Fireplace Standards - These heaters are designed to be installed into
an existing masonry fireplace (built to UBC 37 or ULC S628 standards)
or factory built solid fuel, wood, burning fireplace (listed to UL 127 or
ULC S610) only. All exhaust gases must be vented outside the structure.
Combustion air is drawn from outside the structure.
Questions To Ask Local Building OfficialThese appliances must be installed per manufacturers’ instructions.
Installations must conform to appropriate local codes and applicable
state and federal requirements. Familiarity with these requirements
before installation is essential. Some important considerations to
discuss with local building officials include:
1. Applicable codes (i.e. Uniform Mechanical Code, State or Regional
Gas Codes, National Fuel Gas Code).
2. Local amendments
3. Recognized testing lab: OMNI-Test Laboratories Inc.; Beaverton,
4. Is a permit required - cost?
5. In some states or municipalities, a licensed gas fitter or plumber may
be required to install these appliances. Check with your local build-
ing official for requirements in your area (i.e. Is a license required for
installation of gas supply line)?
6. Maximum amount of gas pipe without a pressure test - type of test
7. Are below grade penetrations of the gas line allowed?
8. Is concealed gas piping allowed?
9. Specific requirements of concealed fittings?
10. Is rigid pipe to appliance required?
11. Allowed piping materials?
12. Shut-off valve required within 4 feet of the firebox?
13. May the shut-off valve be concealed?
14. Rooms where the installation is not allowed?