Maintenance ScheduleAnnually (Before the onset of the Burning Season)
Maintenance TaskAccomplishing PersonProcedure




Inspecting/Cleaning Burner, LogsQualified Service Technician

Inspect valve and ensure it is properly operat-

and Controls


ing. Check piping for leaks. Vacuum the con-



trol compartment, fireplace logs and burner







Check Flame Patterns and Flame Height

Qualified Service Technician

Refer to Figure 6 on page 7 and verify that the



flame pattern and height displayed by the



appliance conforms to the picture. Flames



must not impinge on the log set.




Inspecting/Cleaning Pilot Burner and the Two

Qualified Service Technician

Refer to Figure 9 on page 7 (millivolt) or Figure

Main Burners


10 on page 8 (electronic). Remove any surface



build-up on pilot and burner assembly. Clean the



pilot nozzles, ignitor/flame rod and hood with a



soft brush. Ensure the pilot flame engulfs the



flame sensor as shown.




Checking Vent System

Qualified Service Technician

Inspect the vent system at the top and at the



base (within the firebox) for signs of blockage



or obstruction. Look for any signs of disloca-



tion of the vent components.




Appliance Checkout

Qualified Service Technician

Perform the appropriate appliance checkout



procedure detailed in this manual.
Periodically (After the Burning Season)






Maintenance Task

Accomplishing Person





Cleaning Firebox InteriorHomeowner

Carefully remove logs, vermiculite and black and



gray ceramic fiber chunks. Vacuum out interior of



the firebox. Clean firebox walls and log grate.



Replace logs, vermiculite and black and gray ce-



ramic fiber chunks as detailed on page 7.




Check Flame Patterns and Flame Height


Refer to Figure 6 on page 7 and verify that



the flame pattern and height displayed by the



appliance conforms to the picture. Flames



must not impinge on the log set.




Checking Vent System


Inspect the vent system at the top and at the



base (within the firebox) for signs of block-



age or obstruction. Look for any signs of



dislocation of the vent components.




Cleaning Glass Enclosure Panels


Clean as necessary following the directions



provided in this manual. DO NOT TOUCH OR







These are direct-vent appliances. They are de-

During this appliance checkout and adjust-

Also note, that while the front glass enclosure

signed to operate only with the glass enclosure

ment period, a potential safety hazard exists

panel (or any of the panels) is removed, the

panels properly installed. Generally the glass


flame appearance will appear to be smaller

enclosure panels should not be removed ex-

the occurrence of any burn injuries from the

than normal.

cept to gain access to the components within

exposed flames or hot surfaces.


the firebox, and the appliance may only be



operated without the front glass enclosure panel



in place for very brief periods of time during



initial appliance checkout and adjustment.