Access Help 74
antivirus software 7
audio line-in connector 10
audio line-out connector 10
audio subsystem 2
Bbackup and recovery operations 53
basic troubleshooting 67
BIOS, updating (flashing) 63,64
Boot-block Recovery 64
Ccable lock, security 48
card reader
replacing 38
startup device sequence 62
cleaning the mouse 70
CMOS, clearing 49
components, internal 11
computer cover
removing 16
computer cover, reinstalling 46
connector description 10
front 8
rear 9
considerations, password 60
and using a recovery repair diskette 56
and using rescue media 55
creating and using
recovery media 51
completing the installation 46
completing the replacement 46
Customer Support Center 75
Ddevice drivers 47
installing 57
reinstalling 57
devices, handling static-sensitive 15
diagnostic programs, using 75
diagnostics, troubleshooting 67
diskette, creating and using a recovery repair 56
documentation, using 75
drivers, device 47
internal 12
DVI monitor connector 10
Eenvironment, operating 4
Ethernet 2
Ethernet connector 10
exiting, Setup Utility program 62
expansion 2
external options, installing 15
Ffailure, recovering from POST/BIOS 64
features 1
flashing BIOS 63
front bezel
removing, reinstalling 17
front connectors 8
front fan assembly
replacing 40
help 73
information 73
service 73
Hheat sink and fan assembly
replacing 25
Access Help 74
and service 75
getting 73
Iimportant safety information v
getting 73
important safety v
resources 73
safety 74
warranty 74
Input/Output (I/O) features 2
device drivers 57
installing options
security features 47
installing, replacing
memory module 21
PCI card 19
drives 12
internal drives 1
© Copyright Lenovo 2010 81