Group, and enable its transmission and reception functions in an orderly manner. Link
aggregation lets you group up to eight consecutive ports into a single dedicated
connection. This feature can expand bandwidth to a device on the network. LACP
operation requires full-duplex mode, more detail information refers to IEEE
Aggregator setting
1. System Priority: a value used to identify the active LACP. The switch with the
lowest value has the highest priority and is selected as the active LACP.
2. Group ID: There are seven trunk groups to provided configure. Choose the
"Group ID" and click Select .
3. Lacp: If enable, the group is LACP static trunk group. If disable, the group is local
static trunk group. All ports support LACP dynamic trunking group. If connecting to
the device that also supports LACP, the LACP dynamic trunking group will be
created automatically.
4. Work Ports: allow max four ports can be aggregated at the same time. If LACP
static trunk group, the exceed ports are standby and able to aggregate if work
ports fail. If it is local static trunk group, the number must be as same as the group
member ports.
5. Select the ports to join the trunk group. Allow max four ports can be aggregated at
the same time. Click <<Add button to add the port. To remove unwanted ports,
select the port and click Remove>> button.
6. If LACP enable, you can configure LACP Active/Passive status in each ports on
State Activity page.
7. Click Apply .
8. Use
Delete button to delete Trunk Group. Select the Group ID and click Delete