Your phone is equipped with helpful tools, including: Ez Tip Calculator, Calculator, World Clock, Stopwatch, Unti Converter.
1. Calculator
Allows you to perform simple mathematical calculations. You can enter numbers up to the eighth decimal place.
1. Press ,
2. Enter data.
● Use keypad to enter numbers.
● Use to enter decimals.
● Use to set as negative or positive.
● ClearPr ss Left Soft Key to the entry.
Press Right Soft Key
● Operator for additional calculating options.
● Use Navigation Keys to enter functions.
● Press to complete
2. Ez Tip Calculator
Allows you to quickly and easily estimate the tip and total amount of a bill by inputting the bill amount before tip, the tip percentage, and dividing it by the number of people paying.
1.Press ,
2.Enter the variable fields (Bill, Tip(%), Split).
3.Access Notepad and highlight the entry.