EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.)

(Continued from previous page)

4.Once all fields are completed as required, you have two options (see also note below):

To save the data entered and exit the wizard, use the arrow keys to select Exit and then press OK. In the subsequent pop-up confirmation window, select Save and Exit, and then press OK once more. The Pro:Centric application and/or E-Z Installation data will be downloaded to the TV at a later time. This option is useful, in particular, if the Pro:Centric server has not yet been configured.

To initiate a real-time download of Pro:Centric application and/or E-Z Installation data, use the arrow keys to select Next, and then press OK.

The EZ-Manager Wizard will proceed with the remaining Pro:Centric application and/or E-Z Installation data down- load steps, as shown on the Processing the Pro:Centric Configuration screen.

Note: With RF configuration, Pro:Centric server data must be present on the RF channel selected as the TV’s Data Channel in order for you to select “Next” (you will see a “Data Channel found” message below the signal strength indicator). With IP configuration, Pro:Centric server data must be present via the wired LAN cable connection in order for you to select “Next” (you will see a “IP server found” message below the Port field).

When the Pro:Centric configuration is complete, an EZ-Manager Configuration Complete screen is displayed, and after 10 seconds, the wizard exits, and the TV turns OFF.

Note: With the EZ-Manager Configuration Complete screen on display, you also have the option to manually turn off or reboot the TV. If desired, select Turn Off or Reboot, respectively, and then press OK on the Installer Remote.

EZ-Manager Wizard

1 2 3 4

Pro:Centric Manual Configuration


Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?



Pro:Centric ModeIf you select ‘OK’<now, your settingsGEMwill be lost




and you will exit

the setup wizard.




Channel Number









Signal Strength









This window will close and you will be returned to








the previous page automatically in 2 seconds.





Signal Quality










Save and Exit














































EZ-Manager Wizard

1 2 3 4

Processing the Pro:Centric Configuration...

Downloading the Pro:Centric application files takes a few minutes.

Please wait...



Retrieving files from data channel 75

Application files

In progress...

Maintenance files


Warning - Do not remove AC power or the signal cables during these steps

EZ-Manager Wizard

1 2 3 4

EZ-Manager Configuration Complete

The TV will turn off in

3 second(s).

Installed Components

Pro:Centric Application

GEM application downloaded

Maintenance Files




Turn Off




USB Configuration

The USB Download Menu provides options that enable you to download individual configuration or software files to the TV.

Each of the USB Download Menu functions requires that you have the appropriate file(s) loaded on a USB memory device. If you wish to perform a software upgrade or download a splash image from the USB Download Menu, the software upgrade/image file(s) must be stored in a folder named “LG_DTV” in the root directory of the USB memory device. TLX/TLL files for cloning or FTG Configuration (.tlx) files should simply be stored in the root directory of the USB device.

