9.USB S/W Download(Service only)
(1)Put the USB Stick to the USB socket
(2)Automatically detecting update file in USB Stick
-If your downloaded program version in USB Stick is Lower, it didn’t work.
But your downloaded version is Higher, USB data is automatically detecting (Download Version High & Power only mode, Set is automatically Download)
(3)Show the message “Do not unplug!”
(4) Updating is starting.
(5)Updating Completed, The TV will restart automatically
(6)If your TV is turned on, check your updated version and Tool option. (explain the Tool option, next stage)
* If downloading version is more high than your TV have, TV can lost all channel data. In this case, you have to channel recover. if all channel data is cleared, you didn’t have a DTV/ATV test on production line.
* After downloading, have to adjust Tool Option again.
(2)Select "Tool Option 1" and push "OK" key.
(3)Punch in the number. (Each model has their number)
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