Playing Games
Your new PCS Phone comes loaded with two entertaining games to
challenge your skill and quickness. You can also download a wide variety
of graphically rich games from several categories to play on your phone.
For information on accessing and playing downloaded games, see
“Downloading Ringers, Screen Savers and Games” on page 112and
“Games” on page 118.
To play a preprogrammed game on your PCS Phone:
1. From the main menu, select Fun Tools().
2. Select Games ().
3. Select Egg Stack( ) or Real Fighters().
4. Press to display game instructions or to review key
5. Press to start a new game.
To adjust the game settings:
1. From the Games menu, press the right softkey button (Actions).
2. Select Volume ( ) to choose a volume level for the games and
Backlight ( ) to turn backlight settings on or off.
Using EZ TipsTo quickly and easily calculate tip amounts:
1. From the main menu, select Fun Tools().
2. Select EZ Tips ().
3. Enter the bill amount and desired tip percentage to have the correct
tip calculated instantly.
4. If you’re splitting the check, you can also enter how many ways the
bill will be split to come up with an equal share for all parties.
Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
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