Units converter [Menu 3-4]
In the Units convertersubmenu, choose converter
Length, Weight or Currency.
Within Weight converter, you can converter Kg units
expressed in Pound units and Kg units expressed in
Ounce units.
Enter the amount to be converted and press OK.
Within Length converter, you can select
• Km units expressed in Mile units
• Meter units expressed in Yard units.
• Meter units expressed in Foot units
• Cm units expressed in Inch units
Enter the number unit to be converted and press OK.
Within Currency converter, you can input the rate and
press OK, convert Local to Foreign.
World time [Menu 3-5]
The screen shows the city name, current date and time.
Use Navigation key to choose the city and check the local
time, press OK.
If you want to change the time display in Idle mode to the
selected time, press OK.
• The time zone setting of each city in world time menu
may be affected by network condition.
BMI (Body Mass Index) [Menu 3-6]
In this submenu, you can check your BMI value in relation
to your height and weight.
To calculate the BMI value proceed as follows:
Select your gender, Male or Female, use Navigation key
direction U, D, L, Rselect it.
• Enter your height in centimeters using the numeric keys.
• Enter your weight in kilos using the numeric keys and
press OK.
• The phone calculates your BMI ratio value and display
the result.
Pink schedule [Menu 3-7]
Using this feature, user can enter information on
menstrual cycle and determine the:
• Probability of becoming pregnant on the current date
• Period during which it is possible to become pregnant
date of next period
• To check your menstrual cycle, enter the starting date
of your last period
• Enter the average length of your menstrual cycle and
press the OK key
Tools [Menu 3]