TO USE A USB DEVICE■If you don't press any button for a while during the play-
ing, the play information box (as shown in the below)
will float as a screen saver.
■The ‘Screen Saver’?
Screen saver is to prevent screen pixel damage due to an
fixed image remaining on the screen for a extended peri-
od of time.
GWhen music is playing, is displayed in back of the music title.
GA damaged or corrupted music does not play but displays 00:00 in playtime.
GA music downloaded from a paid service with copyright protection does not start but displays inappropri-
ate information in playtime.
GIf you press OOKK, Abuttons, screen saver is stopped.
GThe PPLLAAYY((G)), PPaauussee((IIII)), A,GG,FF buttons on the remote control are also available in this mode.
GYou can use the GG button to select the next music and the FF button to select the previous music.
Using the remote control
When playing,
repeatedly, press the RREEWW((FF))button to speed up FF -> FFF -> FFFF ->
repeatedly, press the FFFF((GG))button to speed up GG-> GGG-> GGGG -> GGGGG -
■Pressing these buttons repeatedly increases the fast forward/reverse speed.
During playback, press the PPaauussee((IIII))button.
■Still screen is displayed.
■When using the or button during playback a cursor indicating the position
can be viewed on the screen.
Press the PPLLAAYY((G))button to return to normal playback.