TThhee aauuddiioo ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk..
APress the VOL ++ or --button.
ASound muted? Press MUTE button.
ATry another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.
AAre the audio cables installed properly?
AAdjust BBaallaanncceein menu option.
AA change in ambient humidity or temperature may result in an unusual noise
when the product is turned on or off and does not indicate a problem with
the product.
Picture OK & No sound
Unusual sound from
the product
No output from one
of the speakers
NNoo iimmaaggee iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd..
AAdjust brightness and contrast again.
AIf the product is in power saving mode, move the mouse or press any key.
AThe signal from the PC (Video card) is out of the vertical or horizontal
frequency range of the product.
Adjust the frequency range by referring to the Specifications in this user’s guide.
The signal cable between PC and product is not connected. Check the signal cable.
APress the ‘INPUT’ button in the remote control to check the input signal.
Power is on, power indic-
tor is blue but the screen
appears extremely dark.
Does the ‘Out of range’
message appear?
Does the power indica-
tor look blinking amber?
OOnnllyy RRGGBB//DDVVII mmooddee aapppplliieeddDoes the ‘Check signal
cable’ message appear?