Note: These fireplace systems are not difficult to install. However, in the interest of safety, it is recommended that the installer be a qualified or certified “tradesman” familiar with commonly accepted fireplace installation and safety techniques as well as prevailing local codes.
General Information
These fireplaces are traditional radiant heat fireplaces with standard bar grates, optional Outside Air Kits (required for outdoor installa- tions) and optional Operable
These appliances are approved for installation indoors or outdoors.
Indoors: These appliances are approved for installation in residential homes and other buildings of conventional construction including commercial, not in manufactured homes(see Figure 5).
Outdoors: These appliances are approved for installion against an outside wall of a house, or asafreestandingfireplaceontheporch,patio,or located in the yard (see Figure 6). The Outdoor Fireplace must be enclosed to prevent impact damage to the outside of the fireplace. Build an outside enclosure out of standard building materials,beingcarefultomaintaintheminimum air clearances specified in these Installation Instructions. When installing the fireplace as a freestanding unit on your porch, patio or backyard, it must also be enclosed to prevent impact damage to the fireplace. However, the enclosure must now be finished on all four (4) sides. The exterior of the enclosure may be finishedinatexturedplywood,awoodclapboard siding, brick, or a cultured stone.
Vinyl siding is not recommended for use on the front of the fireplace due to the heat the unit produces. This can cause the vinyl siding to deteriorate.
Note: Illustrations shown reflect “typical” installations with nominal dimensions and are for design and framing reference only. Actual installations may vary due to individual design preferences. However, always maintain minimum clearances to combustible materials and do not violate any specific installation requirements.
These fireplaces have been tested and listed by
ForinstallationsinCanada,thechimneyclearance to combustibles must be 2 inches and the Cold Climate Kit must be installed.
Do not pack or fill required air spaces with insulation or other material. No material is allowed in these areas.
Ne remplissez pas les espaces libres d’une matière isolante ou de tout autre type de matériel. Aucun matériel n’est permis dans ces espaces vides.
If insulation is used, the fireplace mustnotbeplaceddirectlyagainst it. Insulation or vapor barriers, if used, must first be covered with gypsum board, plywood, particle board or other material to assure insulation and vapor barriers remain in place.
Si un isolant est utilisé, il ne doit pas venir en contact avec le foyer. L’isolant ou le coupe vapeurs, si utilisée, doit d’abord être couvert d’un panneau de gypse, contre- plaqué, panneau de particules ou d’unautrematérielpours’assurer que l’isolant et le coupe vapeurs demeurent en place.
These fireplace systems are designed for installation in accordance with the National Fire Protection Standard for chimneys, fireplaces and solid fuel burning appliances; NFPA
Storm Collar
Chimney and Termination
*Outside Air Kit (provided) must be installed in outdoor installation.
Use Only
Chimney Section
Outdoor fireplace system less than 15 feet height must have a chimney clearance of 2” air space to insulation and construction materials and be a minimum of 10 feet away from a building or combustible structure. If installed closer than
10 feet, the 10 foot rule applies (see ten foot rule summary on Page 15).
Outside Air Kit installation is optional unless mandated by local building codes.
Outside Combustion Air Kit (Optional)
Min.) And Within 1/2" Min. To Side Frame.
Metal Safety Strips
And Hearth Extension Required When Installed On Combustible Floor Or In Proximity To Combustible Floor/Covering.
Figure 1
7' 9" Min. (using one 4' section)
| Notes: |
| • Framing is shown as |
| reference only. It can differ |
| according to design and |
| local building codes. |
*Air Inlet | • Fireplace is shown for |
illustration purposes only. | |
(Provided) | It may differ from actual |
| model. |
Note: Framing is shown as reference only. It can differ according to design and local building codes.
Note: Framing and fireplace shown as reference only. It can differ according to design and local building codes.
Figure 2