Configuration Options via Command Line (Cont.)

(Continued from previous page)

3.At the Enter new multicast port [1234] prompt, either press Enter to accept the default value in square brackets, or type the appropriate port number for the multicast streams and then press Enter.

4.After you type the port number, the system returns to the IP Output Command > prompt.

5.(Optional) Use the Output IP Configuration Menu “ttl” command to set the multicast TTL,

as necessary. See “Set the Multicast TTL” below for further information. After you enter the TTL, the system returns to the IP Output Command > prompt.

Note: The option to set the TTL is available only with OAT100R version 2.0 or later software. If a router is not being used on the system, leave the TTL set to 1 (default).

6.At the IP Output Command > prompt, type apply and press Enter to confirm and apply the configuration data to the system.

The system will display confirmation before returning to the IP Output Command > prompt, for example:

New IP outputs configuration is now active.

7.At the IP Output Command > prompt, type exit and press Enter to return to the Setup Menu.

Set the Multicast TTL

This option enables you to specify the number of hops allowed before the multicast data is dropped. If a router is being used on the system, the TTL value should be the number of router hops + 1. If a router is not being used, leave the TTL set to 1 (default).

Note: The “ttl” command is available only with OAT100R version 2.0 or later software.

1.At the IP Output Command > prompt, type ttl and press Enter.

2.At the Enter new multicast TTL [1]> prompt, type the new TTL value and press Enter.

3.Make sure to use the Output IP Configuration Menu “apply” command to confirm and apply any update to the system. See also “Apply IP Output Configuration” below.

Apply IP Output Configuration

If you make any changes to the IP output configuration, you must use this command to confirm and apply the configuration to the system. At the IP Output Command > prompt, type apply and press Enter to confirm and apply the configuration data to the system.

The system will display confirmation before returning to the IP Output Command > prompt, for example:

New IP outputs configuration is now active.
