Chapter 6 Service after Sales 31
Appendix 1 LCD Panel Displays and Operation LCD display interface is formed by LCD, LED and keys (see Appendix-Figure 1-1), it
mainly finish the displaying and control of the following information: UPS basic
parameter information, operating parameters information, alarm information, failure
code information and function setup information.
Appendix-Figure 1-1 LCD Panel
1. Constitution of Display Panel
The Panel is formed by 1 group LED indicator, 1 LCD screer and 4 keys.
1) LED indicators are formed by 4 green lights and 1 red light.
2) LCD can display double-row Chinese information or 4-row English information.
3) The keys are :On/Silence key, Off key, scroll key and Enter key.
2. Function of display Panel
1. Displaying information of LED
1)failure indicator(red): on only when failure is detected .2)The Utility indicator
(green): when the Utility is normal, it is on, when utility fails the indicator is off, when
utility is out of range , it flashes.
3)Inverter indicator(green):when the inverter is working, it is on;when it does not
work, the indicator is off.
4)Bypass indicator(green):when the Bypass is working, it is on; when it is not
activated , the indicator is off.
Off Key
Utility indicator (green )
Silence Key
Fault indicator (red)
Enter Ke
Bypass indicator (green
Scroll Key
Battery indicator (green)
LCD Display Panel
Inverter indicator (green)