The steps for setting up a HILL, RANDOM, SPORT TRAINING 5K, and SPORT TRAINING 10K workout include select-
ing a level. The word “level” refers to a range of incline percentages. The treadmill features 20 levels, with Level 1 having
the lowest average incline grade and Level 20 having the highest.
Within each level are seven incline percentages, or hills. During a workout, each hill appears in the WORKOUT PROFILE
window as rows of light stacked in a column. The number of lit rows within a column corresponds to an incline percentage.
For example, in Level 5 the lowest incline is 0.0% and is represented as one lit row. The highest incline, 4.3%, is repre-
sented by a column with all seven rows lit.
In the HILLand RANDOMworkouts, these varying hills occur for equal durations, as discussed in the HILLworkout de-
scription. When the workout program brings up a new hill, the incline percentage changes automatically to match that hill.
To change levels during a workout, use the arrow keys or the NUMERIC KEYPAD.


The InstaPaceTM Feedback feature enables users to monitor their pace, or rate of minutes per mile, while running on the
treadmill. This feature must be enabled in the Manager’s Configuration. See Section 5 for more information. The MES-
SAGE CENTER displays the MPH and pace simultaneously when the user adjusts the treadmill speed with the arrow
keys. If the user adjusts the speed using the NUMERIC keypad, the MESSAGE CENTER displays the pace after the
treadmill reaches the new speed.
If during a workout, a user decreases the speed to the minimum and continues to hold the DECREASE SPEED arrow, the
speed falls to 0 mph which is pause mode. The minimum speed is 0.5 mph, unless changed in the Manager’s Configura-
tion. See Section 5 for more information.
Level % Incline
1 0.0 - 1.5
2 0.0 - 2.2
3 0.0 - 2.9
4 0.0 - 3.6
5 0.0 - 4.3
6 0.0 - 5.0
7 0.0 - 5.7
8 0.0 - 6.4
9 0.5 - 7.1
10 1.5 - 7.8
11 2.0 - 8.5
12 3.0 - 9.2
13 3.5 - 9.9
14 5.0 - 10.6
15 5.5 - 11.3
16 6.5 - 12.0
17 7.0 - 12.7
18 8.0 - 13.4
19 8.7 - 14.1
20 9.0 - 15.0