The following workouts are preprogrammed for the Life Fitness Treadmill.
GO SYSTEM QUICK START is the fastest way to begin exercising. After the WALK/LOW, JOG/MID,
or RUN/HIGH key is pressed, a MANUALworkout begins immediately at the pre-programmed speed
and incline for the respective key pressed. While in this MANUALworkout, the user may, at any time,
toggle between the three pre-programmed speeds.
MANUAL is a constant effort workout in which the user can change resistance level or speed at
any time.
RANDOM is an interval training workout of constantly changing intensity levels that occur in no
regular pattern or progression.
HILL is an interval training workout. Intervals are periods of intense aerobic exercise separated
by regular periods of lower-intensity exercise.
PERSONAL TRAINER workouts are accessed through the PERSONAL TRAINER key. These
workouts, as well as up to six custom workouts, which may be programmed by user.
DISTANCE GOALis a distance based workout.
CALORIES GOAL is a calorie expenditure based workout.
TIME IN ZONE GOAL is a time spent at Target Heart Rate (65 percent of the theoretical
maximum†)based workout.
SPORT TRAININGTM (5K) is a distance-goal workout that simulates an actual terrain with
varying incline levels. It is designed to assist runners in training for a 5-kilometer, or 3.1-
mile, race. Accessible through the PERSONALTRAINER workouts key.
SPORT TRAININGTM (10K) is a distance-goal workout that simulates an actual terrain with vary-
ing incline levels. It is designed to assist runners in training for a 10-kilometer, or 6.2-mile, race.
Accessible through the PERSONAL TRAINER workouts key.
SPORT TRAININGTM (Time) is a time-based sport training workout. Accessible through the
PERSONAL TRAINER workouts key.
ZONE TRAINING + Zone Training workouts target specific ranges, or zones, for maintaining
a heart rate to achieve maximum exercise results.
HEART RATE HILLTMtakes the user through three different hills based on the target heart
rate*. The user wears a heart rate chest strap, or grasps the LifepulseTM sensors continuously.
HEART RATE INTERVALTMalternates between a hill and a valley based on the target heart
rate*. The user wears a heart rate chest strap, or grasps the LifepulseTM sensors continuously.
†Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as equal to
220 minus an individual’s age.
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum (HRmax). A40-year-old user's recommended THR
for the HEART RATE HILLworkout is 144, or 80 percent of the maximum; so the equation would be (220-40)*.80=144.