Page 13
Kcal is the approximation of calories burned during your
workout.  e calories are estimated by measuring your
instantaneous heart rate (HR) and factoring in your age,
ambient HR, and weight.
is is the measurement , by telemetry (chest strap), of your
heart rate in beats per minute (BPM).
Note: You must wear a chest strap during your workout in order to
see your heart rate. The Pilot console will detect heart rate
signals from most chest straps that emit an analog signal,
or a digital Cardiosport® chest strap. An “A” (analog) or “D”
(digital) will be displayed for a few seconds in the heart rate
display section of the display window when a HR signal is
initially received, to indicate the type of signal being re-
If at any time during your workout you feel
chest pain, experience severe muscular discom-
fort, feel faint, or are short of breath, stop
exercising immediatlely. If the condition per-
sists, you should consult your medical doctor
The Pilot also features heart zone training. After selecting
your maximum and minium heart rate limits, the console
will show ashing up or down arrows over the heart icon
to indicate that you need to adjust your intensity either up
or down to stay within your selected heart rate zone. See
pg. 15 for more info.