This product must be grounded. If it should malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance
for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This product is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly
installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
DANGER: Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check
with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether the product is properly grounded. Do not
modify the plug provided with the product - if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified elec-
This product is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illustrated in
the figure. Make sure that the product is connected to an outlet having the same configuration as the plug. No
adapter should be used with this product.