Weightand Design

Constructedout of syntheticcomponents,the Miniflexis light- weight,at only 36 lbs. (16 kg), and impact resistantwith a user- friendlydesign. With wheels and handle standard,the Miniflexcan be easily rolledor carriedaround,unlike competitivemodels.


The Miniflexhas a five-stagefiltrationprocess.In stage one, as the air enters the system throughan intake connection,it passes througha removableand washablemetal pre-filterin which heavier particlesand foreignmaterialare captured.In stage two, the air passes througha second metal pre-separatorto furtherreduceany large particlematter from reachingthe LongLife-Hmain filter.In stage three,the air passes throughthe LongLife-Hmain filter where the weldingfume particlesare capturedand deposited.In an optionalstage four,after flowingthroughthe LongLife-Hfilter,the air passes throughthe optionalactivatedcarbon filter to help preventor neutralizethe releaseof odors back into the environment.In the final stage (stage five), the air passes througha HEPAfilter (also known as High EfficiencyParticleAir).


14-1/4 in.

Ø 360 mm

675 mm


26-1/2 in.

730 mm

28-3/4 in.







420 mm

16-1/2 in.

The unique design of the Miniflex'sLongLife-Hmain filter has resultedin a very large filter surfacearea equaling130 ft2 (12 m2). With such a large surfacearea, the filter has an extendedlife. The LongLife-Hfilter is designedto disposeof extractedweldingfume depositsat the time of filter disposal,preventingdepositsfrom being releasedduring welding.

Cable Sensor

At the top of the Miniflexunit is an automaticstart/stopbutton and

amanual button. When the Miniflexis being operatedin automatic mode, the unit automaticallyswitcheson as welder begins to weld, and automaticallyswitchesoff approximately15 secondsafter welder stops welding.The resultis less energyconsumptionand non-continuousnoise. For the automaticstart/stopfunctionto work, the welder’swork cable or power cable must be laid across the top of the Miniflexunit in the slottedgroovewith an integrated sensor.

When the Miniflexis being operatedin manual mode, the unit is continuouslyrunning.


Smart noise insulationaroundthe air exhaustsignificantlyreduces noise withoutoverheatingthe motors. 70dB(A)with nozzle extractioninstalled.


The Miniflexis poweredby two 1.2 hp motors allowingfor sufficient extractioncapacityunder all conditions.At the top of the Miniflex unit is a high/lowbutton. In high mode, both motors are workingat 100% capacity,extracting135 CFM of air.In low mode, both motors are workingat 50% capacity,extracting94 CFM of air.With both motors increasingand decreasingspeed, the resultis a continuouslybalancedsystem with reducedmaintenance.The motors parallelpositioningdesign reducesnoise.

Automatic Start/Stop for less energy consumption, convenience and longer filter life.

Smart noise insulator.

Stage 5

HEPA Filter (KP2390-2) for higher filtration efficiency.

Stage 1

Pre-filter captureslarger particlesand drops particulate matter into collection tray.

Wheels standard for easy portability.

Two motors for better performance.

Stage 4

Activated carbon filter. (K2389-1 Optional)

Stage 3

LongLife-H Filter


Stage 2

Pre-separator for capturing medium to heavy particulate


Intake Connection for

Extraction Hose.




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Lincoln Electric K2376-1 warranty Closer Look