4. If you chose
Mode, go to Step
5now. If you
chose Ad-Hoc
Mode, select the
correct operating
channel for your
network from the
Channel drop-
down menu.
Then, select the
Network Mode
from the drop-
down menu.
Click the Next
button, and go to Step 5. Click the Back button to change any settings.
Channel - The channel you choose should match the channel set on the
other devices in your wireless network. If you are unsure about which chan-
nel to use, select the default channel (Channel 6).
Network Mode - Keep the default setting, Mixed, if you have Wireless-G
and Wireless-B devices in your network. Select G-Onlyif you have only
Wireless-G devices in your network.
5. The Setup Wizard
will ask you to
review your set-
tings before it
starts to copy
files. Click the
Next button to
save these set-
tings, or click the
Back button to
change any set-
Figure 4-4
Figure 4-5
2. Read the License Agreement and click the Next button to continue the
installation. If
you click the
Cancel button,
you will end the
3. The following screen, shown in Figure 4-3, will ask for some information
about your wireless network. In the SSIDf ield, enter your network’s SSID
(Service Set Identifier). The SSID is your network name and must be iden-
tical for all devices in the network. The default setting is linksys (all low-
Next, choose a wireless mode. Click the Infrastructure Moderadio button
if you want your wireless computers to network with computers on your
wired network using a wireless access point. Click the Ad-HocMode radio
button if you
want multiple
wireless com-
puters to net-
work directly
with each other.
Click the Next
button to contin-
ue, or click the
Back button to
return to the
previous page.
Figure 4-2
Figure 4-3