INSPECT SHIPMENT carefully for any signs of damage. If damage is noted, do not install the product.
Contact the shipper or manufacture r listed on rating plate. All equipment is carefully manufactured,
inspected, and packed. Our responsibility ceases upo n delivery of the packaged heater to the carrier in
good condition.
NOTE: Any claims for damage or shortage in shipment must be filed immediately against the carrier by
the consignee.
This water heater must be located in an area where leakage of the tank, water line connections, or the
temperature and pressure relief valve will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the water heater or
to lower floors of the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable drain p an must be
installed under the water heater. The drain pan depth must be suitable for draining and colle cting water,
and have a minimum length and width of at least four (4) inches measured from the jacket of the water
heater. The drain pan, as describ ed above, can be purchased from your plumbing professional. The drain
pan must be piped to an adequate drain. The piping must be at least ¾” in diameter and pitched for
proper drainage.
Clearance from Combustible Materials
0" –Top, 0" –Sides, 0" –Front, 0" -Rear
Recommended Service Clearances
12" –Top, 4" –Sides, 16" –Front, 0" -Rear
Appliance Location
1. Boiler Location – Locate the Indirect Water Heater as close to the boiler as practical.
2. Fixture Locations – For fastest delivery of hot water, place the Indirect Water Heater close to points of
Additional Recommended Components
1. Shut-off Valves – Allows isolation of water heater from domestic water system and/or boiler system
during service.
2. Unions – Allows water heater movement during service if adequate clearance cannot be provided.
3. Thermal Expansion Tank – If the water heater is installed in a closed water supply system, such as one
having a back-flow preventor in the cold water line, p rovide thermal expansion control. Conta ct the water
supplier or local plumbing i nspector for additional information.
After shutting off the main water supply, open a faucet to relieve the water lin e pressure to prevent any
water from leaking out of the pipes while making the water connections to the water heater. After the
pressure has been relieved, close the faucet. The COLD water inlet and HOT water outlet are identified
on the water heater. Make the proper plumbing connections between the water heater and the plumbing
system to the house. Install a shut-off valve in the cold water supply line.
2. If this water heater is installed in a closed water supply system, su ch as one having a back-flow
preventor in the cold water supply, provisions must be made to control thermal expansion. DO NOT
operate this water heater in a closed system without provisions for controlling thermal expansion.
Warranties do not cover damages from thermal expansions such as pressure bulges and/or deformities.
A properly sized expansion tank will alle viate most problems. Your water supplier or local plumbing
inspector should be conta cted on how to control this situation.