Transporter™ Owner’s Guide | 35 |
[EN] Use of this product is authorized in the following countries: [FR] L’utilisation de ce produit est autorisée dans les pays suivants:
[DE] Verbrauch dieses Produktes wird in den folgenden Ländern autorisiert:
AT, CY, BE, BGR*, DK, UK, FI, FR**, DE, GR, HU, IE, LU, NL, PT, ES, SE, IS, LI, NO, CH, CZ, PL, RO, SK, SI, EE, LV, LT, MT
[EN] * General license require for outdoor use; ** For indoor use only
[FR] * Permis général requis pour l’usage extérieur; ** Pour l’usage d’intérieur seulement
[DE] * Allgemeine Lizenz erfordert für im Freiengebrauch; ** Für nur Innengebrauch
Your product uses batteries. Please follow the battery manufacturer’s instructions as well as these important safety tips. Exercise care when handling batteries. Do not open or mutilate them. When batteries are misused, they may leak or explode causing burns and personal injury. Conducting materials can also short out a battery causing it to overheat and leak. Do not put batteries in a fire, expose them to heat above 130 F (54C), or immerse them in water. If your batteries leak, use caution and discard the batteries immediately according to the battery manufacturer’s instructions and your local laws. When replacing batteries, remove all used batteries. Mixing old and new batteries may cause battery leakage or rupture. When possible use alkaline battery replacements. You may use other battery types, but do not mix them with alkalines. Make sure that you insert the batteries correctly. When not using your product for long periods of time, remove the batteries and store them in cool, dry place at normal room temperature.
Your product has a power supply so please follow these safety guidelines: 1) The power supply is for indoor use only. 2) Use the power supply that comes with your product; do not use any other power supply. 3) Do not use a damaged power supply or attempt to repair one that is damaged. 4) Do not immerse the power supply in water or subject it to physical abuse. 5) Inspect the power supply regularly for damage to its cable, plug, and body.