3.Press ↑ or ↓ to Mode NameENT.
4.Press EXITEXIT to return to the flasher page.
At left, Ice Flasher menu with Flasher Options selected. Center, Flasher Options menu with Flasher Color Mode selected. At right, Nightview color option is selected.
Scouting Through the Ice
Since the 1960s, Lowrance flasher sonars have helped anglers hunt fish beneath the ice without drilling holes. That's because your IceMachine works as well through ice as it does through water!
This technique works best early in the winter fishing season, when ice is clear and free of bubble formation. There must also be wet, bubble- free contact between the transducer and the ice.
To shoot through solid ice, first brush away any snow from the spot you want to search. Then, pour a small amount of
Another variation used by some anglers requires a small plastic bag, such as a food storage bag. They fill the bag with a mixture of RV anti- freeze and water. The bag is placed on the ice surface, and the trans- ducer is rested in the "puddle" just as your head rests on a pillow.