Your purchase of an M&S Systems music and communications system is an investment that will provide years of enjoyment and service for your customer.
M&S audio products are backed with more than 40 years of experience in the design and manufacture of precision acoustical equipment for the home. To ensure that your customer receives the
Tools required: Phillips screwdriver #2, Standard flat screwdriver #1, wire stripper/cutter.
DOs & DONT's
USE ONLY M&S SYSTEMS BRAND CABLE as called out in these instructions. The cable is designed and constructed with electrical specifications necessary for proper audio performance. IMPORTANT: THE USE OF NON M&S
SYSTEMS’ BRAND CABLE OR CABLE SUBSTITUTION WILL VOID PRODUCT WARRANTY. Note: All M&S Systems’ cable has M&S Systems and the part number printed on it!
DO NOT power up master until all remote stations and speakers are connected.
DO ensure that all
DO NOT SPLICE CABLES. Splices are unreliable and defeat the signal isolation properties of the cable.
DO NOT COIL OR BUNDLE the MS4X cable. This will cause electronic feedback.
If extra cables have been run for possible future speaker additions, care must be taken that these cables do not get connected to the master unit. Unterminated cables (no station) connected to the master unit may cause electronic feedback that will damage the master unit.
DO NOT overtighten the screws for the remote stations or the master as the plastic face panels may crack or strip out.
At each remote station location, strip approximately 4 inches of jacket (MS4XSC) from wire and separate the colored conductors from one another. Strip 1/2 inch of insulation
from each
conductor as shown in figure
1.Cut each shield drain wire
at the | shield foil |
| ||
to prevent them |
| |||
from | touching |
| ||
each |
| other |
| |
(MS4XSC | only). |
| ||
Connect | each |
| ||
c o l | o | r e | d | Figure 2 | Figure 3 |
conductor | to | its |
respective screw terminal as shown in figure 2. Mount each remote station to it’s mounting ring using the two screws provided with each station as shown in figure 3.
At each door release control
station location, strip approximately 4 inches of jacket (MS4XSC) from wires
and separate colored conductorsfromoneanother.
Strip 1/2 inch of insulation fromeachconductorincluding the VM127X. Cut off the drain
wire from the Black/White pair. Connect the Red wire from the volume control switch to the Red wire on the
VM127X. Connect the White wire from the volume control
to the White wire on the VM127X.
At each satellite control station location, strip approximately 4 inches of jacket (MS4XSC and MS2SXSC) from wires and separate colored conductors from one another. Strip 1/2 inch of insulation from each conductor. Connect drain wires together from both cables using a wire nut (MS4XSC only). Wire nut each
colored conductor to its
respective wire as shown in figure 5. Connect Blue and Violet wires to the corresponding terminals of the satellite speaker(s). Mount the volume control to the single gang box using the two screws provided with the volume control.
At each remote station
l o c a t i o n , s t r i p approximately 4 inches
wire and separate
colored conductors from one another. Strip 1/2
inch of insulation from
each conductor. Cut each shield drain wire at the shield foil to prevent themfromtouchingeach
other (MS4XSC only).
Connect each colored conductor together using wire nuts as shown in figure 6. Mount the patio station to housing using the two screws provided with the station.