Software Configuration
TCP/IPNetwork Configuration of Clients
After installing the PalmRouter Elite hardware, the PalmRouter Elite
needs to be configured through a Web browser (such as Netscape Navigator,
Netscape Communicator, or Microsoft Internet Explorer). The computer that
will manage the PalmRouter Elite must have its TCP/IPsettings configured
correctly. All other computers receiving Internet access through the
PalmRouter Elite must also have their TCP/IPsettings configured correctly.
The PalmRouter Elite's default IPaddress is "". In order to
connect the PalmRouter Elite, the computer designated for managing clients
must be on the same subnet as the PalmRouter Elite. Consequently, IP
addresses ranging from"" to "" are legal for clients
to use. IPaddresses from "" to "" are reserved for
system use and network broadcasts.
The PalmRouter Elite can support both Windows and Macintosh
platforms. Please follow the proceeding steps to configure the Windows and
Macintosh TCP/IPsettings.
Easy Installation