Windows 95 TCP/IPConfiguration
1. Double click the Control Panelicon in My Computer folder.
2. From the Control Panel, double click on the Networkicon to show the
installed network interface card and network protocol on the
Configurationlist. Double click the TCP/IP protocol on the list. If
TCP/IPdoes not appear on the list, you must install the TCP/IP proto-
col first. For the clients with TCP/IPalready installed skip to step 4.
3. Keep your copy of Windows 95/98 CD-ROM on hand and on the
Configurationlist of the Network window click the Add... button. In
the window that appears, double click Protocol, then on the Select
Network Protocolwindow choose Microsoft on the Manufacturers list
and select TCP/IPon the right side of the list. Follow the instructions
that appear on the monitor to complete the installation.