PG1 3
NC1 7
The AUTO Lo ck featur e is an int egrated
circuit that rece ives and pr ocesses da ta
sent by b roadcaster s, or oth er program
provider s, that c ontain prog ram conten t
advisor ies.
When pro grammed by t he viewer, a TV
with AU TO Lock can respond to the conten t
advisor ies and blo ck program content th at
may be fo und object ionable (such as offensive
language, violence, sexual situations, etc.).
This is a great fea ture to cen sor the ty pe of
viewing children m ay watch.
G: General Audie nce - All ages
Most parents would find th is program
suitable for all ages. T his type of
programming contai ns little or no
violence, no strong la nguage, and little or
no sexual dialog or situ ations.
PG: Parental Gui dance Suggested -
This programming cont ains material that
parents may find unsuit able for younger
children. It may contai n one or more of
the following: moder ate violence, some
sexual situations , infrequent coarse
language, or some sug gestive dialog.
PG-13: Parents Strongl y
Cautioned -
This programming cont ains material that
parents may find unsuit able for children
under the age of 13. It contains on e or
more of the following: vio lence, sexual
situations, coarse l anguage, or suggesti ve
R: Restricted -This p rogramming is
specifically desig ned for adults. Anyone
under the age of 17 should only view th is
programming with an acco mpanying
parent or adult guardian . It contains
one or more of the following : intense
violence, intense se xual situations, stron g
coarse language, or in tensely suggestive
NC-17: No children under the ag e
of 17 will be admitted. - This t ype of
programming should be v iewed by adults
only. It contains graphi c violence, explicit
sex, or crude, indece nt
X: Adults Only - This type of programming
contains one or more of the f ollowing:
very graphic viole nce, very graphic and
explicit or indecent se xual acts, and very
coarse and intensely su ggestive language
TV-Y All children - Appropri ate for all
children. Designed for a ve ry young
audience, including c hildren ages 2-6.
This type of programm ing is not
expected to fright en younger children.
TV-Y7 Directed to Older Ch ildren -
Designed for children ag e 7 and above.
It may be more appropriate fo r children
who can distinguish b etween
make-believe and rear ity. This
programming may includ e mild fantasy
and comic
violence (FV or fan tasy violence).
TV-G General Aud ience - Most
parents would find this prog ramming
suitable for all ages. T his type of
programming contai ns little or no
violence, no strong la nguage, and little or
no sexual dialog or situ ations.
TV-PG Pa rental G uidance
Suggest ed -
Contains materia l that parents may
find unsuitable for young er children.
This type of programm ing contains one
or more of the following: M oderate
violence (V), s ome sexual situations (S ),
infrequent coarse lan guage (L), or some
suggestive dialog ( D).
TV-14 Parents Strongly Cauti oned -
Contains some mater ial that many
parents would find unsuit able for
children under age 14. This ty pe of
programming contai ns one or more of
the following: inten se violence (V),
intense sexual situ ations (S), strong
coarse language (L) , or intensely
suggestive dialog ( D).
TV-MA Mature Audi ence Only -
Specifically desi gned to be viewed by
adults and may be unsuit able for children
under 17. This type of programming
contains one or more of the f ollowing:
graphic violence ( V), explicit sexual
situations (S) , or crude, indecent
language (L)
AUTO Lock offers variou s BLOCKING
controls from which to ch oose:
Access Code - An Access Code mu st be set to
prevent children from unblo cking questionable or
censored programming se t by their parents.
Block Enable - Aft er an access code has
been programmed, you c an block programming
depending on the recei ved rating and user setting.
Movie Ratings - Cert ain blocking options
exist which will bloc k programming based on rati ngs
patterned by the Mot ion Pictures Associatio n of
TV Ratings - Just like t he Movie Ratings,
programs can be blocked f rom viewing using
standard TV rati ngs set by TV broadcaster s.