Attaching the abrasive paper
Pull out the clamp lever and insert the paper end. Be careful to maintain the proper paper tension. Align edges of paper with either edge of the pad. (Prebending the paper makes attachment easier.) Once the paper is in place, return the clamp lever to i t s original position.
After inserting the paper, make sure the teeth of the clamper hold it securely. Otherwise the paper will be loose and sub- ject to slippage, resulting in uneven sanding operation.
Switch action
To start the tool, simply pull the trigger. Release the trigger to stop. For continuous operation, pull the trigger and then push in the lock button. To stop the tool from the locked position, pull the trigger fully, then release it.
Before plugging in the tool, always check to see that and returns to the "OFF" position when released.
L1 Clamp lever
the trigger switch actuates properly