For Hammer Drilling (Percussion + Rotation)
For opening of holes in concrete, t i l e or mortar, twist the indicator on top of the tool so that the hammer symbol ( 1) is on the side with the small diamond
convex. This provides hammering + rotation. For accuracy, it is advisable to drill a small pilot hole first, before using hammering + rotation. Use a bit for con- crete and masonry drilling.
(Caution: Always check first to see that the switch indicator is set to the "F" side for forward rotation.)
0 Switch Action
*Speed screw for continuous use a t desired speed
The speed screw on the trigger can be used together with the lock button to obtain convenient continuous operation at any speed setting from
*Reverse switch
The reversing switch is found on the heel of the handle. To change the direction of revolution, switch to "F" for right, "R" for left. (Always check the direction be- fore drilling).
Never reverse directions (reversing switch) until the tool has come to a complete stop. Reversing before it stops may ruin the tool.
Diamond convex
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Reversing switch