
Getting Started

2.3 Getting Started
Installation of SirFile is covered in the UL/SPF Installation and Maintenance Guide.
SirFile should be installed as a private application subsystem. To access the system,
the privileged user types “SIRFILE” on the Model 204 command line of the region
containing the software. An initial System Default thresholds screen is presented.
-------------- * * * Set threshold values for file warnings * * * ------------
==> _
File ==> *DEFAULT
Thresholds Number of historical
records to keep per file.
ARETRIES ==> 1 ==> 99999
BFULLP ==> 90
CFULLP ==> 80 Minimum number of days
CRETRIES ==> 100 between stored samples.
DFULLP ==> 90 ==> 7
EXTNADD ==> 5000
OVFLADD ==> 5000
EOVFLADD ==> 5000 # of days advance warning
SPILLADD ==> 1000 on threshold exceeded.
==> 7
Collect CFULLP only on specified files (Y/N)? ==> N
1/Help 3/Quit
9/Repeat 12/Save-Refresh
System Default thresholds screen
This screen is also presented by pressing PF11 from either the Main File menu or from
the File Tables screen, if the cursor is not on a file name or file statistics line,
respectively. The System Default thresholds screen is initially populated with a set of
defaults that are adequate for most file monitoring needs. The thresholds are:
Table A Retries indicate a failure of the Table A hashing algorithm to find a
slot on a Table A page to store field information. Table A is usually the
smallest table in a Model 204 database file, but it is accessed every time a
field name is referred to in User Language or IFAM code, so it is important
that Table A operate as efficiently as possible. In most cases, any
ARETRIES are too many, and for this reason, the ARETRIES default is very
BFULLP Percentage of Table B full. This is the percentage of record slots currently
used, calculated as BHIGHPG/BSIZE. Table B holds the actual data in a
Model 204 file and is usually the largest table.
Table C hashing algorithm retries. This statistic indicates that Table C, a
hashed data structure, is becoming full, so the algorithm which determines

SirFile User's Guide 7